Friday, February 8, 2008

Life would be easier....

Life would be easier if I had a personal assistant of sorts. Someone to run errands to the bank and to the grocery store would be a couple hours a week freed up to do something fun or more important. If I had someone to just keep the house clean, do the dishes, cook the meals, think of how much time I would have to do things I don't have time to do now? Laundry takes up a ton of my time and that's just for myself. I am lucky if I get my clothes washed and dried, let alone put away or hung up. Sometimes they just end up folded in the laundry basket and that's as far as they go until they get worn. Although my fiance and I love to cook, I'd like the option to not cook if I didn't want to. If all I had to do was sleep, get up and go to work, come home and relax, then go to bed and start the next day all over again, and not worry about the small things, I would be much less stressed out.

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