Sunday, February 3, 2008

Life would be easier if only.....(Graded)

Life would be easier if only I had gone to college before having a family. Homework and studying takes us the little spare time I have after working a 40 hour week. It is a struggle balancing work, school and family.

I am lucky that I have a husband and kids who support my decision to go back to school, but I have a certain amount of guilt associated with the obvious lack of attention they get from me. Since this is only my first semester of school, I hope that I can find a way to develop good study skills that will still allow me to spend quality time with my family.

1 comment:

Shaner said...

I agree, as you get a little older more things will take up most of your time! Sure you'll be more responsible about your homework and things but with a family you have more to keep you occupied! It looks like you've been on the ball for most of your homework in here, which is good! keep it up.