Wednesday, October 3, 2007



When my husband and I were thinking about where we would like to go on our honey moon a lot of places came into mind. We definitely agreed on one thin, we wanted to go somewhere warm. Also we wanted to make sure that we would be able to visit an ocean since my husband has never seen one. At the end of our search we rounded it down to two options. The first one was going to Hawaii. Our second option was going on a cruise to the Bahamas. We had a really hard time deciding which one to choose so we sat down and discussed what both trips have to offer. First off both places had a lot of similarities in the things that we were looking for in our vacation. Number one was that both were in a warm place and on both options we would be enjoying the view of the ocean. If we decided to go with the cruise we would be visiting a lot of different islands instead of just one. Also the cruise was all inclusive, which was kind of nice. On the other hand if we went to Hawaii we would e seeing a lot more of the beach instead of being stuck on the ship. We always wanted to visit Hawaii because we have been hearing wonderful things about the islands form friends and family. At the end we looked at all the similarities and all the differences of both vacations and came up with a solution. The main attribute that helped us decide was the reason that Hawaii islands had a smaller chance of having a hurricane than the Bahamas. We were traveling during the hurricane season so we had to weigh our options. Our trip to Hawaii was amazing. Making the list totally helped us put everything in perspective. When I look at this units material we could have used a comparison chart to help us make our decision.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


I really don't use email that much for sending things to other people, its usually me receiving things from other people or businesses. Email is less informal then an actual letter, and therefore people tend to forget proper grammar, spelling, and above all, abbreviating things that in normal society would be spelled out properly. Of course, its hard to keep any correspondence with anyone as most email inboxes now a days are flooded with spam and other worthless junk.

When dealing with writing, I don't think anything has harmed the American public's ability to write properly more then Instant Messaging. The abbreviations, the net speak, the emoticons, they have all slowly made their way into other places in our culture. School age kids are especially susceptible to this as this is where they do the majority of their writing early in life and fall into the bad habit.

I personally have realized how bad I have gotten and have slowly been working on getting back to proper writing, however it is a long process that will take a lot of work.