Friday, February 15, 2008

New years Resolution

In 2004 my new year’s resolution was to drink less soda or no soda. I have succeeded! I am now soda free for about four years now and loving it. I drank an average of one to two soda's a day. Poison of choice was Barq's root beer or Dr. Pepper. Now I know that doesn't sound like much, but it was added calories that I didn't need in my diet.
When I was growing up we were never allowed to have soda unless it was a special occasion. So when I went to college it was always a special occasion for me! I gained around 30 pounds from soda and of course food was also added, but I wouldn't have gained that much if it weren’t for my good old friend soda pop. I know now that soda and most carbonated drinks are very unhealthy.
Since 2004 I have lost all the weight from cutting all soda out of my diet. I never drink soda anymore. I would say I might drink a total of 3 cans a year if im lucky! I drink water now and I feel so much better about myself at the end of the day. When I drank soda it would make me feel bloated. I never felt good about myself because I felt like I looked big in everything I wore. Drinking more water daily doesn’t make me feel bloated and I know that it is doing good to my body. I hope that I keep this resolution and pass it on to my children because soda pop is just a liquid that weighs us down.

1 comment:

Angie Belcourt said...

I know that pop is a big contributor of adding extra pounds. I have been trying to explain that to my husband! He keeps wondering why he keeps gaining weight and I keep telling him that it is because he is drinking too much Mountain Dew. In the past year he has went from one can a day to at least 5-6 cans a day. That is a lot of sugar! For some reason, he cannot make the connection. I told him he can't complain about the weight gain anymore until he quits drinking the Dew!