Sunday, March 16, 2008

Emotional Appeals (Graded)

Emotional appeals work for young people because typically, young people will rely on their gut instincts instead of really thinking logically about their decision to do or believe something. They are not experienced enough in making decisions based on actual concrete evidence versus what they hear on the radio or see on TV. For example in advertising, especially targeting young women, companies will imply that, by using their products or wearing their clothes (like Victoria’s Secret under garments) you will feel confident, sexy and accepted. I have experienced this with my teenage daughter first hand. She refused to buy her underwear from any place other than Victoria’s Secret. She felt if she wore any other brand, girls would make fun of her in the locker room at school (I didn’t argue with her about that, but I did make it clear that if she wanted that expensive underwear she had to pay for them herself).

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