Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Email helps us stay connected to the people we know. I use the email for many different purposes. Some of them are just to chat to my long distance friends; some are to stay in touch with my teachers; some are to pass on information to my coworkers and so on. The other day I sent an email to one of my friends that lives in Florida. The purpose of that email was to let her know how I was doing and also to find out how everything was with her. I could have sent her a letter but email lets me get in touch with her much faster. I tend to write more freely when I’m talking to friends. I don’t always watch for spelling or grammar mistakes. My whole email to a friend will look like a one big paragraph. That all changes when I’m trying to email my teachers or my boss because then I try to follow all the right rules of writing. Instant messaging most definitely hinders my academic writing. A text on my phone would look something like this “Hi when r u gtn of wrk?” as all of you can see I don’t even bother spelling out my words. A big part of my writing is done on the phone or over the email. If I don’t practice the right grammar skills over my phone or email sooner or later it’s going to have an effect on my writing skills in life

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